Wednesday, August 3, 2011

perfect lil' picnic

Yesterday, we took a little break from packing, grabbed some $1.00 happy meals, and sat on the back dock!  It was nice to get outside & breathe for a minute.  I'm not the happiest unpacker on the block just to be honest.  My type A personality gets in the way and I have to  find a balance between putting things away in perfect manner and being nice to my children.  Bless their hearts, they are exhausted and adjusting too.  Anyhoo, we did enjoy an afternoon eating snowcones, going to the park, and a dinner bayside! 

By taking a minute to relax with the babes, I did discover this treasure.  He loves me even when I'm not my nicest.  He loves me when I'm stressed and take it out on him.  He loves me even when I ask him nicely not to write on himself even though his "aunt jaime" taught him how to explore with ink & skin.  Ha! 

At least she is happy now.  She loves being in "Mawaland" and not quite sure what it's all about.  Mostly, she loves being under the same roof as her daddy.

After our picnic, we ventured over to the neighbor's dock.  They are on vacation for two weeks and caught tons of crabs!  we had to go & check them out.  This is going to be a really good thing.  I can tell. 


Garretts said...

we are at the park this morning, missed having your crew there. so glad to see you guys are getting adjusted (even if slowly), and managing to find some time for fun in there too.

most of all i'm thrilled about the new blog. love you all!

Between You and Me said...

love your new blog and I love seeing pictures of your family! I didn't realize that you guys were going back to Maryland for another 2 years!