Each morning I drop Davis off in front of his big elementary school. This is his request and makes him feel so proud that he can do it alone. It STILL makes me tear up when i watch him wave and give me a "thumbs up!" from that big sidewalk. Each morning the same 4 teachers are out there smiling as we drop (& hurry) them off for school. It doesn't matter if it is raining, freezing, etc... They are always out there with a smile.
I appreciate them so much. They make sure my big, yet so small to me, boy is staying on the sidewalk.
day 2 act of kindness... we took those four sweet souls a big cup of hot cocoa today. they were absolutely delighted to hold it in their freezing cold hands. we are so appreciative of their service. I'm sure they'd rather be inside getting ready for their day.
I'm feeling thankful that my sweet kiddos gave me another chance this morning to be a good mom.
Great idea, Jen. Think I'm going to steal it for those sweet CES folks who pull my kids out of the car every morning and make sure Annabelle has her lunchbox and Madelynne has her coat.
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